Motor Vehicle Accident Physiotherapy in Ottawa
If you've been the victim of a car or other type of road accident, Ottawa-Carleton Physiotherapy & Sports Injury can help you; our team of qualified physiotherapist offer post-motor vehicle accident neurological and orthopaedic physiotherapy treatments.
Minor or major injuries
Whatever the extent of your injuries, it is important to see a professional physiotherapist for a comprehensive evaluation. During an impact, whatever the force, your neck and spine are prone to damages. Proper treatment and personalised exercises can diminish most symptoms. Keep in mind that if left untreated, those symptoms can worsen and reduce your mobility.
You should be aware of:
Pain, aches or stiffness in the areas of the neck to the lower back
Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
Headaches and/or dizziness
Sleep and concentration issues
General fatigue
At Ottawa Carleton Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Center, we will evaluate all your symptoms and find the best plan for your motor vehicle accident physiotherapy. Those symptoms can include:
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Arm pain
Leg pain
Shoulder pain
Don't wait for the symptoms to affect your day to day life; call Ottawa-Carleton Physiotherapy & Sports Injury for an appointment. You may also want to read our blog for more information on how to recover after a car accident.